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Showing posts from August, 2020

Do you know what's amazing?

Do you know what's amazing? When you wake up one morning with a gentle smile and warmth in your heart that tells you how at ease you are. When you no longer compare yourself with others or think that you're not good enough. When you stop counting your imperfections and start counting your blessings - the blessings of having a kind heart and a strong soul, the blessing of loving too much because it makes you feel alive. Do you know what's amazing? When you stop looking at your shortcomings as embarrassments and start embracing them, because they are a part of you and they make you beautiful. When you look back at every mistake and stop reprimanding yourself for it, and instead, you accept that you're only human and things are bound to go wrong. When you finally look in the mirror and tell yourself that I am proud of how far I've come, and I have beautiful journey ahead. When you get to a point where you have nothing but good wishes. And the most amazing thing is wh